In His Name, be He glorified!
My Dear, Loyal Brothers!
Since according to numerous signs, we are under Divine protection, and since in the face of numerous inequitable enemies, the Risale-i Nur has not been defeated, and has silenced to a degree the Education Minister and People’s Party, and since those who, greatly exaggerating the extent and breadth of our question, have caused alarm to the Government are sure to try to conceal their slander and lies with various trumped up excuses; what we must do is to retain our patience and composure in perfect submission, and particularly not to feel disillusioned, and not to despair when sometimes the opposite of what we hoped occurs, and not to be shaken by passing storms! Yes, disillusionment may destroy the morale and enthusiasm of the worldly, but for the Risale-i Nur students, who see beneath the hardship, striving and distress, the favours of Divine mercy, disillusionment is necessary to strengthen their efforts, their progress, and their seriousness. Forty years ago the politicians sent me to a lunatic asylum saying I was suffering from a temporary madness. I told them: I consider most of what you call sanity to be insanity; I resign from that sort of sanity. I observe in you the rule, “Everyone is mad, but their madness differs according to their caprices.” Now with the idea of saving myself and my brothers from serious charges, I repeat the same words to those who ascribe occasional ecstasy or a temporary insanity to me because of the confidential treatise, and I am grateful in two respects:
The First: In a sound Hadith, it says: “The ordinary people deeming, because they are beyond their understanding, the elevated states of one who has attained perfect belief to be madness, point to the perfection of his belief.”1
The Second Respect: I would agree with complete pride and joy, not only to be called mad, but to sacrifice my mind completely, and my life, for the well-being and salvation of my brothers in this prison and for them to be delivered from darkness. If you think it suitable, even, let someone write a letter of thanks to those three persons, and tell them that we are allowing them to share in our spiritual gains.
Musnad, iii, 86; al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, i, 499.