In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
Verily, when He intends a thing, His command is “Be!” and it is.(36:82)
As this verse indicates, creation is through a command. The treasuries of divine power are in the Kaf. and Nun.1 Several of the many aspects of this subtle mystery have been mentioned in various places of the Risale-i Nur. Here, in order to make more comprehensible in this century’s materialist view Hadiths about the characteristics, qualities, and material effects of the Qur’an’s letters, and particularly the disjointed letters at the start of some Suras, we shall illustrate this mystery with a material example.
The All-Glorious One, the Owner of the sublime throne, has four thrones by which He directs the creatures on the earth, which is like a centre of the world and a heart and qibla of the universe:
One is the throne of preservation and life, which is earth. This is the manifestation of the divine names of Preserver and Giver of Life.
The Second Throne is the throne of bounty and mercy, which is the element of water.
The Third is the throne of knowledge and wisdom, which is the element of light.
The Fourth is the throne of will and command, which is the element of air.
We see with our eyes that the minerals and innumerable various plants are formed from simple earth, through which are met the innumerable needs of animals and human beings – boundless multiplicity from unity with perfect order, an infinite variety of species from a simple element, innumerable regular embroideries on a plain page. And although water, and especially the sperm of animals, is a simple fluid, innumerable miracles of art become manifest through it in the many animate creatures. This shows that similarly to these two thrones, light and air are the places of manifestation of the wondrous miracles of the pen of knowledge, command, and will of the Pre-Eternal Inscriber, the All-Knowing One of Glory, despite their simple nature.
For now we shall leave aside the element of light, and in connection with our question here, try to unveil a little the marvels of command and will within the element of air, which for the globe of the earth is the throne of the divine command and will.
With the air in our mouths we sow letters and words which at once
The two letters of the Arabic alphabet in the word “Kun!”, that is, “Be!” (Tr.)