not a hundred times, but perhaps a thousand times, the things I have said in my dreams or the people I have dreamt of at night, although I had not thought of them at all, have turned out exactly or with little interpretation the following day. It means that the most trivial things are both recorded and written before they happen. That is to say, there is no chance or coincidence, events do not occur haphazardly, they are not without order.
The Seventh
Your beautiful, blessed, and auspicious dream was very good for the Qur’an and for us. Also, time has interpreted it and is interpreting it; there is no need for me to do so. Its partial interpretation also turned out well. If you study it carefully, you will understand. I shall point out only one or two aspects. That is, I shall explain a truth (hakikat). The visions you have had, which are like the true meanings (hakikat) of dreams, are the representations of those true meanings. It is like this:
That vast field was the world of Islam. The mosque at its end was the province of Isparta. The muddy water around it was the swamp of the dissoluteness, idleness, and innovations of the present time. Your swiftly reaching the mosque safely and without being contaminated by the mud was a sign that you took up the lights of the Qur’an before everyone else, and had remained unspoilt with your heart uncorrupted. The small congregation in the mosque consisted of some of the people who have taken the Words upon themselves, like Hakkı, Hulûsi, Sabri, Süleyman, Rüştü, Bekir, Mustafa, Ali, Zühtü, Lûtfi, Husrev, and Re’fet. As for the small platform, it was a small village like Barla. The loud voice was an allusion to the power and rapid spread of the Words. The place assigned to you in the first row, was that vacated for you by Abdurrahman. The indication and fact that the congregation, as though wireless receivers, wanted to make the whole world hear its teachings, will turn out at a later date, God willing. If the people now are like small seeds, with divine assistance, in the future they will all be like tall trees and telegraph offices. As for the turbanned youth, he is someone who will work together with Hulûsi, or even surpass him; he is destined to become one of the students and those who disseminate the Words. I can think of some of them, but I cannot say definitely. The youth is someone who will come into prominence through the power of sainthood. You can interpret the remaining points instead of me.
Speaking with friends like you is both agreeable and acceptable, so I have spoken at length about this brief matter, and perhaps I have been prodigal. But since I began with the intention of showing a way of expounding the Qur’an’s verses about sleep, God willing, my prodigality will be forgiven, or not be prodigality even.