arrivals to life and a seller of sweet drinks who supplies animals with the water of life; this divine dominicality demonstrates divine unity most lucidly.
Indeed, who other than the One Creator could subjugate the sun so that it is a servant of the inhabitants of the earth? And who other than the Single One of Unity could take the wind in His hand entrusting it with a great many duties and employing it as a swift and agile servant on the face of the earth? And who apart from the Single One of Unity would have the ability to make fire a cook, and to cause a tiny flame the size of a match-head to consume thousands of tons of goods? And so on. Every single thing, every single element, every single heavenly body, points to the All-Glorious One of Unity, at the degree of the majesty of dominicality.
Thus, as divine unity is apparent in respect of glory and majesty, so bounty and munificence proclaim divine oneness in respect of beauty and mercy. This is because, within this all-embracing art, animate creatures and especially man possess the faculties and abilities to understand, accept, and desire the infinite varieties of bounties, and to reflect all the divine names manifested in the universe. Simply, like a point of focus, man displays all the Beautiful Names together by means of his mirror-like essence, and through it, proclaims God’s oneness.
S e v e n t h S e c t i o n : “His stamp on the former is on all things, universal and particular, while His seal on the latter is on the body and on the limbs.” Its meaning is this: just as the Glorious Maker has a mighty stamp on the macrocosm as a whole, so He has put a stamp of unity on each of its parts and species. And just as he has set the seal of unity on the face and body of each human being, the microcosm, so on each of their limbs is a seal of His unity.
Indeed, the All-Powerful One of Glory has placed on everything, on universals and on particulars, on stars and on particles, a stamp of unity which bears witness to Him. On each he has set a seal of unity which points to Him. This greatest of truths having been elucidated and proved most brilliantly and decisively in the Twenty-Second Word, the Thirty-Second Word, and the Thirty-Three Windows of the Thirty-Third Letter, we refer you to those and cutting short the discussion, conclude it here.
THE FIFTH PHRASE: “His is the praise”
Since the perfections found in all being, which are the cause of acclaim and tribute, are His, praise too belongs to Him. All acclaim and laudation belongs to Him, from whomever to whomever it has come and will come from pre-eternity to post-eternity. For bounty, munificence, perfection, and